A downloadable game for Windows

Manage a Research Laboratory

Manage a high-tech research laboratory and resources. Upgrade your equipment, complete contracts, send expeditions to mysterious distant realms in search of new exotic specimens.

Create ACTORs (Artificial Cell Transmutable Organic Robots)

Incubate exciting new ACTORs from acquired DNA samples. Control them, test them, modify them, become them or simply sell them. Combine different species, races, body types, and traits to create unique exquisite ACTORs.

Create Your Style

Customize your creations with a wide array of items like hairstyles, neckwear, headwear, armwear and more. Create unique actor styles with ease by using the new style collection. Save & Load your favorite styles with a click of a button.

Explore Distant Realms

Embark on an incredible journey of exploration and discovery. Send expeditions to mysterious distant realms. Unlock their secrets and collect mythical creatures DNA samples. What will you find?

(Newer features may be missing from this list)

  • Desktop (non-VR) mode - Play without a VR headset using mouse and keyboard

  • VR support for Oculus, HTC Vive, Valve Index headsets

  • ACTOR incubation (create new unique ACTORs)

  • Online multiplayer - Play with people from all over the world

  • Voice chat - Real-time voice chat. Talk to other players and hear their moans

  • Realistic physics - Physics based gameplay that looks and feels real

  • Physics based penetration - Full vaginal and anal physics

  • Realistic skin rendering - Realistic skin, colors and styles

  • Posing system - Pose, animate and control ACTORs

  • Reaction/Emotion system - Girls react when you slap or please them

  • Body fluids simulation - Spray all over them

  • Customizable ACTORs - Change accessories, skin, hair and more

  • Possessable ACTORs - Become an ACTOR. Full body physics and IK.

  • Customizable environments - Add furniture, props, toys, lights and other items to any environment to make it your own

  • Public and private lobbies - Both public and private lobbies are available

  • Themed environments, toys and props

  • The Handy sex toy support

  • Full body tracking

  • New fantasy species and races

  • Plus size ACTORs

  • Male ACTORs

  • Futas

  • New environments

  • New toys

  • Customizable clothing system

  • Lovense Toys integration

Join us on Patreon and get access to the latest build of the game, support game development, get exclusive patron-only bonus content when the game is released on Steam.

Add the game to your Steam Wishlist to get notified when the game is released.

Release date: When it's ready.


Adult VR Game Room 0.6.1 Demo

Install instructions

1. Download the zip file and unzip it. (Make sure you have at least 6GB of free space on your drive before unzipping)
2. Inside the unzipped directory find a file called "Adult VR Game Room.exe" and double click it to start the game. ( If playing in VR, make sure your VR headset is connected to your PC before starting the game)

Development log

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Hi, big problem here:

the game doesn't start VR mode, just flat.

I tried via virtual desktop and as notSteamProduct on Steam link.

In the past i played other not-steam vr games and they run correctly.

Hi. The game has been tested and works in SteamVR, Oculus App, and Virtual Desktop. Please make sure the "Desktop Mode" option is unchecked on the game launch screen. 
If you still need help, please let us know in Discord and we'll help you out. Discord Invite link:  https://discord.gg/zhUPYFbM9z

I find the answer to my problem, i had to login and now it works. 

It use a lot of energy of my quest 3 to run but it is promising!

is it safe to download



i want to buy it but i dont have a creditcard and paypal 

Is there quest support

Quest is supported but a PC is required to play.


Hello! Just here to make a suggestion, upgrading the power generator should also speed up the energy gain speed! When you're grinding out samples and incubation, etc whether you have 200 or 400 max energy makes almost no difference ):

Great progress on the project btw!!

how do u get rid of the blurred parts


The demo version is censored. You can get the game on itch.io or on our Patreon page to play the uncensored version.

Are there stuff for footjobs

(1 edit)

Great demo! I'm thinking of buying the limited steam offer with lifetime updates. Can I ask, does this version as it stands just now contain multiplayer and toys & characters and more than 2 slots for your actors, like for example technician level of Patreon?

Yes. All actors, toys, multiplayer, and 24 character slots are unlocked in the Limited Steam offer version.

Thanks for clarifying!

(1 edit)

its a cool game and when its on steam and its not censored id get it but i think for the demo at least give us one free uncensored girl so we get a taste of what were paying for look forward to a free demo with uncensored or the steam release tell then i think ima just wait good work though and keep it up

I have enjoyed the game, bought the steam key version here. Wondering when the next update will happen. There seems to be a great fun foundation here, and am excited to see where this goes. Obviously don't want to rush you. Take your time and get it right, it's good even it's incomplete state. Has potential to be great.

Also wondering if well be able to alter controls at all in VR. Likely going to have a rotator cuff surgery soon weighing all my options with the doctor next Tuesday, and most of the selection controls are on the right hand. Left handed selection would help that problem out.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. We're glad you're enjoying the game. The next update is in the works so more content and gameplay features will be available soon. 
You can change your controls to the left-handed mode. This way most of your functions will be on your left hand. You can do that in Settings > Controls.


i don't have a htc or oculus, but i can take my phone like a headset vr, but this game doesn't work whis Xbox manette, i see keyboard touch but only WASD work, R make nothing, enter, space nothig, please add the way to use a controller or keyboard, because right now your game is shit, sorry to be insulting but I wasted my time looking for solutions and left to pay for a €600 headset I can't play

(1 edit) (+6)

It's ok. This game is not for you.


Is it possible to create amputee actors?


get help


everyone should be represented, amputee exist

How small can the breasts get in this?

Breast sizes range from very very small to ridiculously large.  Join our Discord server and check some of the Actor images our community posts in the #actor-gallery channel.

is the actor fussion machine a later update? or do i need to unlock it by doing somthing

The fusion machine is coming soon in an update.

I only see a black screen :(


so i can see if i want to buy


uncensor demo pls

WeTransfer link not working (says it expired).

Please try again.


uncensor demo

After the tutorial, in the room with the paintings, I appear to be soft locked.

Hi. Pick the "Single Player" or "Multiplayer" from the menu on one of the walls first, then pick a painting to load a stage.


Demo link is dead.

Works just fine. Try again.

So to clarify, it does not work in the itch.io client. I think this is because it takes you to the WeTransfer web page, where you have to click ‘I Agree’ to download the file. (I missed that the first time even in the browser).

The itch.io client just says the file is 24K, which is probably the size of the ‘I Agree’ webpage you land on.

do you think you could make a apk file for the game so we can import using side quest, it could come out when yu realese game on occulus store, i want to pay but due to my underage brother being on my famliy share i cant get it, thank

The Quest standalone version is in development. It's not available for download yet.

Is this still in the works? If so would there be drawbacks to get it to run on an Quest. I'd like to not tether my PC to play this.

It's in development. The drawbacks of the standalone version are simplified graphics, visual effects and certain physics simulation. 

How do I download your game if I can't download the game from mega

Please try downloading again. We moved the demo files to a different host.

I can't use mega

Please try downloading again. We moved the demo files to a different host.

How do I download your game if I can't download the game from mega?

Hi there. Please check your email.

Deleted 1 year ago

We received an email from you earlier today and replied with the download link. Try checking your spam folder.
If you have Discord you can send us your Discord information name using this form Contact Form and we will DM you the download link there.

I can't subscribe to patreon because I 'm from russia and what should I do to subscribe to patreon?

Hi. If you are unable to join our Patreon, you can access the game by purchasing it on itch.io here: https://adult-vr-game-room.itch.io/adult-vr-game-room-premium

is there a way to not download the game on mega? I can't seem to able to get it downloading without paying for an account?


it says hosted on non-compadible third party website? what do i do?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Dude do it on Google itch not in itch app

(1 edit)

was considering donating on patreon after downloading the demo but i can not get past the tutorial as i cant click anything with the vr laser pointer i followed to instructions and tried every button on the controller and my controller works fine in other games im on the hp reverb if you could reply to help me with this issue i can try the game out and potientally donate but right now it unplayable for me

Yeah you would think they would have a faq with help tips.  Maybe there is one on the discord.  But that’s private.  If you read my posts below, it is possible, with some remapping, to use many of the current features with v.4.  No full reverb compatibility until v.5 it seems.

Tried Demos using SteamVR.  Good concept and execution.  Clunky, awkward controls.  Non-VR controls painful, but worked.  HP reverb2 controllers don’t map correctly.  Couldn’t fix.  May be related to the L/R controller 1st 2nd joystick setups not mappable with what the demo is using.  Steam buyers will return purchase if controls have issues.

Hi. Thanks for the feedback. We're aware of the HP Reverb 2 controllers issue and we're working on it. As a temporary solution, you can remap controller buttons in the SteamVR app. Our player are able to play on their HP Reverb by using this method.
The 0.5 update is coming soon which will include reworked controls (based on user feedback), UI, and adds more content to the game.
The game is in active development and all controls issues will be resolved by the time game is released on Steam.

Thanks,  I am impressed with what you have so far and did the early purchase for steam.   In the options, you should add to the x/y/z position to allow the “phantom hand” to be adjusted lengthwise.  I have been trying to remap in the SteamVR app but there is no info on what the game is trying to use.  I “grip” when the band lights, on foot/hand/head, “trigger” to activate the dial menu, “thumbstick” to 1 of 4 options, “stick press” to select.  But the only time “stick press” works is for laser pointer.  I can’t select anything else on the menus.  I also have never seen the pose/move menu dial from the non-VR in VR.  Game does not recognize stick movement unless mapped to second thumbstick value, so that is what I have it mapped to.  Stick press is 1st thumbstick, I don’t see any second stick selection for that. I have tried all available mapping options, but I admit I’m not good at remapping.

Try this:

1. Go to the following directory:  Adult VR Game Room\Adult VR Game Room_Data\StreamingAssets
2. Locate and edit a file called config.json ( you can open it with Notepad app or a similar text editor app )
3. Inside that file find the following line "controls_use_touchpad_two": false,
4. Change it to "controls_use_touchpad_two": true,

This should help with the stick input.

(1 edit)

Thank you for helping.  I tried your suggestion, but that may be a different issue.  I should be more specific.

I am using the HP motion controller in steamVR and editing the controller bindings for this game.  Legacy bindings don’t work at all.

Changed L/R emulated trackpad / joystick position values to use 2nd stick value.  Pad / joystick click set to stick press.  I don’t have any option for a 2nd stick click setting.

With these changes all movement controls work using L/R sticks.  When laser selected, stick click selects.  

With trigger hold, L or R wrist dial enlarges, and the stick select will light up the quadrant.

This is correct so far?

With the quadrant lit, the stick click does not select.  That seems to be the only remaining action I need to make this work?  And get to the next menu set with the back symbol at the center of the dial.

I also tried the oculus touch settings, it seems very similar, but no luck with that.

Also the object palette works.  I don’t have to click to select the quadrants, the stick movement selects the submenus.  It’s the actor interactions where the quadrant selects don’t do anything.

(1 edit) (+1)

Can someone explain to me how to enter into desktop mode or atleast tell me the controls


I wait for the apk version for quest 2 and then I will sign patreon :)

(2 edits) (+1)

I don't own a PC so do you know if there's going to be an APK Quest2 standalone version anytime soon


The Quest 2 standalone version is in development, but no release date just yet. Keep an eye on our Twitter account for updates and announcements.

That's awesome thanks again for the reply I appreciate that


Can you impregnate them?

when will be oculus quest 2 port?

This game will work with Virtual Desktop as well right? Shouldn't be a problem. Any ETA on the steam key?
(First time ever I supported a game like this - it sounds amazing on paper).

Keep up the good work!!!

Thank you for your support. We haven't tested with the Virtual Desktop but some of our players got it running there. 
There's no public ETA for the Steam release just yet. Keep an eye on our Twitter account for an announcement. You won't have to wait too long. ;) 
More game updates, news, and announcements are coming soon. Stay tuned.

Thanks! Yeah it works fine with Virtual Desktop. So that's good. I will wait on the updates then. Looking good :D

doesn't work for me in virtual desktop. how'd you get it to work?

Eh... Well... I don't know. It just works. You download and install Virtual Desktop Streamer to your pc. And you download it on your meta quest 2. Then you start the program on the pc first and then you start it on the quest 2. And you have your pc where you can choose the game. Pretty easy but you NEED a good pc.

ohhhh i see.

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